Job Vacancy: Workplace Investigator


Vacancy: Workplace Investigator


Raiseaconcern works with private sector employers and a number of public bodies in the prevention, detection, investigation, and remediation of workplace wrongdoing.  In addition to advising on and acting as confidential recipient for protected disclosures of ‘workers’ of our clients, a key part of our service is conducting independent investigations of alleged workplace wrongdoing on behalf of clients.  This can cover all forms of alleged wrongdoing, whether disclosed by employees under Employee Disclosure processes, or by others.  We deal extensively with alleged breaches of Dignity at Work (bullying, harassment, and sexual harassment) policy, breaches of other policies and procedures and all forms of malfeasance.

Raiseaconcern wishes to recruit an experienced workplace investigator and invites applications from accomplished professionals in this field.  The successful candidate will manage a small portfolio of investigations from start to finish, covering complaint assessment, evidence gathering, interviewing and report writing.   

Applicants should be in a position to demonstrate a minimum of five years of current experience in conducting investigations across a range of subjects and be able to underpin this with providing two anonymised case studies summarising the work undertaken.

Applicants should have a relevant academic qualification in such fields as legal, regulatory compliance, human resources, audit and accountancy or similar.  Clear thinking, an unbiased approach and an unblemished ethical record are a prerequisite.

Applicants must be familiar with the rules of evidence, have proven analytical skills, be competent and experienced at interviewing and be able to demonstrate clear, concise writing skills to a high standard.  The successful applicant will be a self-starter.  A clean driving licence is required.  The position will be based in our offices in Sallins, Co Kildare.

Applications with a full CV should be submitted by email.

For further information

Telephone:    Philip Brennan, Managing Director +353 1 6107929/ + 353 86 0299929




This project has been supported by Kildare Local Enterprise Office which is co-funded by the Irish Government and the European Union under Ireland's EU Structural Funds Programmes 2007 - 2013.